Social Media Management COMING SOON

Authentic. Relatable. Empowering.Storytelling. Stock Images for Women in Business

Real images and people, for real Australian businesses

an example of a stock image at style shoot social

Save time and money searching for great images

3 female entrepreneurs taking a selfie for style shoot social

Stand out from the crowd with real and polished images

a stock image of a woman writing in a journal photographed by style shoot social

Images with Australian women, locales, and settings

stock image of a microphone on a chair

Demand authentic images, and want to banish cheesy images

Style Shoot Social is for you if you:

want to save time when it comes to searching for great images

demand originality and authentic images

are sick of seeing the same cheesy images everywhere

want to stand out from the crowd

can’t afford a professional photoshoot of your own

want to save time and money

need regular fresh content

want a polished and cohesive brand

want images captured in Australia for Australian audiences

want images with real women and locales.

I am very happy that I found Style Shoot Social. Trish creates magic with her bespoke stock photos and the quality of work she provides is great. I always look forward to the monthly photo collection download. Highly recommend Style Shoot Social if you want stock photos which are not overused, you won’t be disappointed.


Adelaide Home Services

Who is it for ?

a stock image of a building in blush and beige tones for style shoot social

Business and life coaches who wants to depict real life scenarios

a stock image of a woman with an iPad in blush colours

Virtual assistants and social media managers who use stock images in their biz

Flatlay or desktop styled image for designers by style shoot social

Creatives, web developers or graphic designers who deal with brand images

a stock image of two professional woman co working

Professionals, accountants, counsellors, and psychologist

Content is Queen!!! I was forever on the hunt for high quality, creative and unique, styled photography. Style Shoot Social is like my personal styled photography on tap! I always find exactly what I need to fill my branding content needs – for my website, socials- even for a book I published! The images have the perfect balance of flexibility so I can be creative and put you own stamp on content creation, without losing the integrity of the original image. Plus its so affordable I never scroll through endless stock imagery now. I go straight to Style Shoot Social

Amanda O'Bryan

Artist, Author, Illustrator, Creative Queen Bee

Select your Package

Monthly stock photography membership

Monthly Membership

Auto-billed monthly

4000 images and growing

Unlimited gallery downloads

Quotes and affirmations

Monthly marketing tutorials and tips

Images with Australian people and locations

Easy to find on-brand images

Images suitable for digital and print channels






a stack of journals stock image

Quarterly Membership

Auto-billed quarterly

4000 images and growing

Unlimited gallery downloads

Quotes and affirmations

Monthly marketing tutorials and tips

Images with Australian people and locations

Easy to find on-brand images

Images suitable for digital and print channels



$79 (save $8)



a fun coffee in bed stock image by style shoot social

Annual Membership

Auto-billed annually

4000 images and growing

Unlimited gallery downloads

Quotes and affirmations

Monthly marketing tutorials and tips

Images with Australian people and locations

Easy to find on-brand images

Images suitable for digital and print channels



$290 (save $58)



How It Works

Register & Pay For Your Membership

Register your details and make payment by credit card or Paypal.Because it is a subscription based membership you will need to have or create a PayPal account for the recurring payment system but you can cancel at anytime you like, there are no lock in contracts

Get Instant Access To The Library

Once your payment is approved, you will get an email within the hour giving you instant access to the stock image library for you to start using the images straight away.

This access is unlimited no matter which membership option you choose

Receive Notification When New Images Are Added

We are constantly adding new images to the library. Check back often to see what is new. As a member you will also receive a notification via email when new categories are added.

The thing I love about Style Shoot Social is there is a fresh, natural and very much Aussie element that represents my brand so much better than other stock photo websites. The membership price (and perks) make it a no brainer business decision

Aly Brown

Owner, Resonance Tea

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